
Professor Timothy Gondwe (Dr. Sc. Agr), male, born in Mzimba, Malawi, got his PhD in Tropical Animal Breeding and Husbandry from Georg – August University of Goettingen, Germany in 2004; A MSc in Animal Science from in 1997; and a BSc in Agriculture in 1994 from University of Malawi studying at Bunda College of Agriculture. He is a Professor of Animal Breeding at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR). Academic research were on village chicken crossbreeding evaluation (BSc); evaluating local feed resources for different broiler hybrids (MSc); while PhD research studied potential to improve village chickens genetically and through management. Professor Gondwe served as Head of Animal Science Department (2005 to August 2012), Deputy Dean of Agriculture (2012 - 2014) and Principal of Natural Resources College (NRC), new Campus of LUANAR (2014 to 2016). He teaches Animal Breeding and Genetics related courses, including Biometry (MSc level), and livestock production (especially chickens, pigs), Livestock Production Systems and Animal Genetic Resources and Conservation. He is involved in research, outreach and innovations in dairy, village poultry, goats and pig production and breeding.

Professor Gondwe has been engaged in designing M&E tools for food security projects, and training Government and NGO projects personnel on harmonisation of monitoring and evaluation system and data analyses. He is a member of Statistical Association of Malawi, AU-IBAR AnGR Taxonomy Advisory Group (AnGR-TAG), International Advisory Committee for Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH. He has won several local and internationally funded research and outreach projects, including those in partnership with Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), on smallholder dairying and NAMA / Climate Smart Agriculture; partnership with Egarton University on AU / EU funded indeginous chicken improvement; with Save The Children on Child Nutrition Enhancement through village chicken improvemnt. Professor Gondwe has pionered establishment of a Bunda Dairy outreach innovation, leading to creation of a Bunda Milk Bulking Group using a PPP model using value chain approach. Professor Gondwe has had over 30 publications in journals and proceedings, mainly on papers relating to rural poultry production, valuing their genetic resources and marketing systems. Current main interest is to develop locally adaptable breeds or composites, targeting village chickens and goats, and enhancing animal recording to guide management and breeding. He is co-chairing a committee that is developing a National Livestock Breeding Policy in Malawi, and chaired the development of the National Livestock Policy for 2018 to 2023. He is incorporated into a national TaskForce that looks into Strategies to enhance livestock Development in Malawi. Professor Gondwe was a Visiting Professor of Scottish Rural College, Scotland.